Pro Package (PROMO) Product description

Pro package is an extension in terms of design & technology. Introduces immersive web-experience with world-class animations, scroll effects and many more!
A full suite of customer journey experience for conversion.
Get quality customers for your services allowing smooth operations.

  • Lead the way, win visitor's impression like no other.

  • Tech-Driven business to cater fast-pace technology advancements.

  • Level up your automations with AI integration, chat bots & many more!

Suitable for heavy content websites. High-speed server resources that is dedicated to you and 2 hours/m of our time to make site edits and changes. It extends server level caching feature and robust security measures both on your website and server.

  • Dedicated VPS Server - 6 CPU 16 RAM

  • Domain Name - Top Level Domain (e.g. .net .com .co)

  • Emails - 5 Professional Business Emails

  • Remote Support - Direct Developer Email Support & Client Portal Annotation Tool for Site Edit Requests.

  • Site Edits - 2.0 hrs Per Month (non-transferable to the next month)

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